"What is trust to you?"
and to me, it's just something easy to lose in somebody and hard to build.
Friday, April 1, 2011




Hi people. I’m back to blogging again. :D


31 March 2011

It’s sports day! :D Had hell lots of fun! Scream till no voice. Damn high. Soo happy 2e2 won a lot of the events. <3 Even won the cheer + banner competition. WEEEEEEE~ Helped Guzheng run for 4x100m. :D I can totally hear Jiajie , Chen Long and Pearlyn screaming and cheering for me. And also other guzheng peeps. Even though we did not win , but , still , we did great. :D Congrats to the boys on winning! <3 I still want to run for guzheng again next year. :D After sports day , went cwp and ate with Eliza , Jiajie , Jeremy and Kelvin. After eating , Eliza and Jiajie came over to my house and played Wii. :D Lol , we super high can. Play until like siao , hand damn paiinnnnnn. At around 5+ , they left. :D


1 April 2011

It’s April’s Fool Day! :D Tricked a lot of people. Their reaction damn funny! Especially Jiajie’s. After school, talked to Sally, Melissa, Laurene and Xinyi. Had a lot of fun. Now then I know Melissa sooooo pervert! Had guzheng. Damn tiring but since SYF is round the corner, gonna bare with it. :D There’s meet the parents today. Got my report. Cried. Blah blah blah blah. Did BADLY.


English             C5

Chinese           A2

Geography     A1

History            A1

Literature      C5

Math               A1

Science          A1

D&T                 A2

Art                   E8



K , end of post. Bye.



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someone you gotta know

My name is Doreen Ting ! Presents on 0108! I am now Sweet 13. WRSS 2E2;Meverest! Guzheng-ist♥

some place you gotta scream

some where you gotta leave to

1E2 Rising Star 6a Alfred Alvina Bing Chen Carina Gilyn Hui Ying Kevin Lim Jia Jie Jasmine Jia Hui Jing Yee Joey Jordan Li Ling Pearlyn Pei Shan Shi Ying Shu Qi Si Jia Sin Yi Xin Ye Xin Yu Ting En Yi Huan

some time you gotta forget

February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011

someone I gotta thanks

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