"What is trust to you?"
and to me, it's just something easy to lose in somebody and hard to build.
Monday, April 19, 2010

This song damm meaningful!  this remind me of something….

It was Saturday night around 11pm… i went to my bro room… they both were listening to music… then i go kajiao the big bro… then he played this song… and then got on part goes “ Ali in the Jungle “  then i ka jiao him until him damm fed up.. then he said “ ltr i put u in the Jungle and then u become Ali arh! “ then everyone in the room LOL-ed! dammm him ! then i told my sis today.. cause i was listening to this song… then i told her the Ali in the Jungle thingy.. then she laughed till like siao like that!!

'kay.. here’s the lyrics…

It's, not, how you start, it's how you finish,
And it's, not, where you're from, it's where you're at,
Everybody gets knocked down,
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
How quick are you gonna' get up?
Everybody gets knocked down,
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
Just how are you gonna' get up?
Like Ali in the jungle,
Like Nelson in jail,
Like Simpson on the mountain,
With odds like that, they were bound to fail
Like Keller in the darkness,
Like Adam's in the dock,
Like Ludwig Van( Beethoven ) , how I loved that man, well the guy went deaf and didn't give a fuck, no...
No, no, no
It's, not, where you are, It's where you're going,
Where are you going?
And it's, not, about the things you've done, it's what you're doing, now,
What are you doing, now?
Everybody gets knocked down,
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
How quick are you gonna' get up, now?
Everybody gets knocked down,
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
Just how are you gonna' get up?
Like Ali in the jungle,
Like Nelson in jail,
Like Simpson on the mountain,
Well with odds like that, they were bound to fail
Like Keller in the darkness,
Like Adam's in the dock,
Like Ludwig Van ( Beethoven ) , how I loved that man, well the guy went deaf and didn't give a fuck, no...
Oooh, ooh, ooh
No, no, no
Oooh, ooh, ooh
No, no, no
Oooh, ooh, ooh
It's the greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
It's the greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
It's the greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback...
It's the greatest comeback..

I find it damm meaningful! =D

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This will be a VERY SHORT post!

kay.. wan noe my position in class??




























then now for my position for the whole level

























WOOTS!!! happy TTM/TTC man! =D

Eliza damm pro sia! her position in class is 6 and for the leve is 26! >.< no fair! ending my post here… cause need to revise sci again! and to those taking it, Good Luck! Jia Yous!!!~~ =D


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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 5 ; Friday

Sentosa Sandcastle Building

Friday, wake up. Then prepare to go to school. Then took bus to school… Saw Alvina, then talk to her… Reached school , find Jia Jie.. Then we talk talk talk….Then assemble at quadrangle.. then flag raising…. then went canteen for break before heading off to Sentosa… then Eliza was Emo-ing! >.< talk to her also not respond!  D= then nvm.. then wait to assemble at the quadrangle… then boarded the bus… our bus was like the last one to leave! then not long after the bus leave… i take out my phone cause very bored…. then i accidently press the Ipod icon then i press play! >.< then damm loud! i try to press stop but then idk y cannot.. then Ting En say ‘ Eh Eh! wat u doing! “then i press stop then finally can le! then i faster keep my phone… then talk to Jia Jie.. then ltr Hui Ying us to change place then we change…. then we very tired.. then sit on the floor and sleep…. then wake up…. then Alfred come and step on my foot! ==! then pass Universal Studio!!~~ WOOTS!!!~~ i DDAAMM HYPER!Then castle DAMM big! Bigger the HK disney land one! DDDAAMMM NICE! Reached the place liao… then walk to Tanjong Beach! then me,Jia Jie,Hui Ying and Gilyn plan to be barefooted! =D then we really barefooted! the sand damm hot! then super difficult to run! then Me and Hui Ying plan to make the Fairy tale type of sandcastle! but then ended up not like one! >.< nvm… First, we make the base… make it damm hard! then go for water break… then continue building again….. then go for second water break… then when we r going back to our sandcastle there… the Stupid Wei Cheng push me when i am runnnig sia! i screamed DAMM LOUD! then Jia jie they all luagh sia.. =( so bad…. no la.. jk-ing… =D then continue building then sandcastle.. then last 10 mins, everyone CHIONG! then finish liao, we clean everything then went back to our bag…. then Jia Jie bag is infested with ANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< then help her clean.. then we faster walk… cause the rest of the class walking back le! then walk on the road BAREFOOTED ( it suck… it really suck! ) it is SO FREACKING HOT! then i faster wear my shoes… then MY SHOES GOT STONES INSIDE!!!!!!! damm sharp one! then my foot now got blister! D= DAMM PAIN! then went to the toilet, i took out my shoes immediately! then i wash up… then change into class tee…. then went to assemble outside the toilet…then took class photo.. then i open my Calbee… I haven eat then the boys snatch liao! EAT LIKE PIG!!!!!!!!!! then boarded the bus… then damm tired… the bus like diam diam de….. then Hui Ying she eat the chips….. then reach school liao… then Ms Wong debrief us then me and Jia Jie bought something to drink then went home… =D

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3 ; Wednesday

Learn-a-sport : Hockey!

Today, wake up at 8+.. then prepare and then went to MRT station to find Eliza.. then train to Admiralty qith her… then, i very hungry so i went to buy harsh brown! =D so nice sia! hot hot one.. just fry one!~~ >.< then walk to school… Jia Jie finally came!!~~ =D so happy… then tell her bout fort canning (which sucks!)… she so lucky nvr go to school yesterday!!~~ =( then boarded the bus then went to the very last row! =D then sat with Hui Ying.. Jia Jie ans Eliza sit on the other side.. Gilyn and Siti sat in front of me and Hui Ying… then me and Hui Ying play Gilyn Itouch(?) ! then we played Tap Tap Revenge! I play the easy one, then medium and lastly to the EXTREME!!!~~ =DDD hehehehe!~~ the EXTREME really super EXTREME lor! then challenge Hui Ying.. she dk I press the EXTREME one.. then we play like siao! then Hui Ying play on her own then i listen to Eliza and Jia Jie talking…then very soon.. we reached liao!!~~ i realised that it is somewhere near SP ( Singapore Poly) then we learn different basics… then got one old old man can see nipple.. then Hui Ying say his nipple very big then Hui Ying call him the one with very big nipple.. >.< then i laughing all the way!!~~ =D then after learning all the basics… we got competition! then is Boys V.S Girls.. =D then My and Gilyn was at the first half! then played… did not scored! =( then was Jia Jie and Hui Ying turn to play the second half! =D after that is all the players in the group play… then SUPER TIRING can?! but the SUPER FUN CAN?! hehehe… then got one part Alfred fall and then tried to use the hockey stick to trip me! =P but then i clever enough to noe that! =D then i use my hockey stick to poke his face( nvr really poke… almost)… then in the end the boys won.. =( it was 5 : 4 ( boys : girls ) saddie!!~~ =( then finish liao.. went to rest awhile and i drank loads of water! i finsh one bottle ( 500ml) and drank bit of my other bottle… it was dripping wet! =.=! then make my bag wet… after that the coaches debrief us then off we go!~~ on the b us i ate Pocky! then gave Jia Jie one.. she so poor thing… she sick then cannot eat  biscuit and heaty stuff.. =( then i tell her to just eat one.. one would not harm.. =D then eat eat eat.. then i eat halfway.. see Jia Jie so sad.. cannot eat.. then i gave it to Alfred! =D then trained home ALONE! =( sad.. Eliza idk why but she damm EMO! =( then go 7-eleven and buy the big big bag of Calbee seaweed for Fri!~~~ =D cant wait for Fi and tmr!!~~ >.<!!~~

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 1 ; Monday

Math Trail and History Trail

First was History Trail… Was suppose to be in History groups but then idk y not in History groups… then went to the different stations with Hui Ying, Jia Jie and Eliza…


First, we went to a classroom… then ask us to copy smth.. then teacher talk bout spices.. then when she ask question, idk y i answer sibei loud! =D

Second, when to another classroom.. then the teacher ask who is the cutest guy in the class.. then Kevin volunteer himself.. then some of them r feeling like WTH! then ask him to choose one girl from one of the three cards…Then she chose the second one.. then teacher ask us to choose for him.. then everyone say number tow.. then teacher say we all seems to hate him.. cause the first card one the girl is 1960s one then the second card the girl is from 1970s one.. then the very last girl is from 2010…. =D

then we do like labelling the picture with the words given… then me and Hui Ying cheated.. >.< We open up the scotch tape  and see the answers… >.< but then still got wrong… =.=!!!! then the teacher tell use the Fort Canning is actually a cemetery..then that place is ROM.. then alot of ppl take their wedding photo there…

Third, we when to ANOTHER classroom then talk bout garbage… then skip skip skip….then got one part we go go somewhere near the canteen.. then the guy gave us clay or dk wat thingy… then I use the drain to break open the clay… and inside  got dk wat soldier… then clean it… then Hui Ying say dust the clay at the dog.. then i heard someone say can blow then i tell Hui Ying the she blow at the dog… =D

Then the very last station for the History trail…. need to measure the broken plate or vase… then measure.. so hard to measure sia ! then after that.. we go the field and find the broken pieces of the plate or vase.. then after not even 1 min all the pieces was found… =.= then have to draw “X” to indicate where the pieces r found.. then I draw liao.. show the teacher.. then he say must maximize! then maximize liao.. then he dont wan to see… ==

Then after that is recess…. eat already report to class 2/7 then Eliza say she got bring sweet the she give us some.. Woots!!~ =D then when I eat liao,suddenly someone walk past me sia! scare me! then waited for teacher to come.. Kenna scolding by dk who 2 times… then teacher came then gave us instrution.. then off we go!!~~ first was station 4.. but the teacher not here yet so we do the station 5 first… the do liao.. Mr Chan came… then someone took our dice… then we got no dice… then finally someone gave back the dice the we chiong all the way! =D do finish check then off we go to the library…. went into the library then measure the shelf,count how many shelf then after that, went out to the library and do the drawing.. after that chiong to General office! counted the number of female teachers then the other group say different numbers… thencount again and again.. then finally make up our mind and dont care weather it is right if wrong … then went to the classroom and did the last two station…very fast.. then we finish liao… =D then waited for every group to finish.. =) then waiting for Ms Wong to realise us… suddenly rain..then stopped.. ==! then Miss Wing and Miss Sun bought us Ice-cream!!~~ Woots!!!~~ somemore is Milo!!~~ so long nvr eat Milo one liao!~~=D then eat liao… went back home with Eliza…..


Day 2 ; Tuesday

Fort Canning

In the morning.. Took bus to school then saw Alvina ; Bwing Bwing… talk to her bout the math and history trail.. she tell me bout the Fort Canning… and i not looking forward to it liao.. cause she say very scary… >.<

then reached school liao.. find Jia Jie then she nvr come school.. then find Eliza.. she not there yet.. then went to quadrangle their…. the councillor say dont need to bring bag then make me feel so bored before flag raising! =(  then finish liao.. then wait wait wait.. got on to the bus… 1h then reach sia!!~~ then get into groups… then went together with Eliza , Gilyn and Jin Wen! =D then walk around.. write down notes…


then very tiring liao! we all at the last station.. then the guy talk so much! THIS WORSE THEN SHOPPING FOR 4~5 HOURS! >.< then everyone start to squat, sit….. then finally he finish the we all chiong our way back to the meeting point! =D complete our worksheet then wait for the other to come back.. then got on to the bus! then i super hungry! i ate my seaweed Calubee(?)!!~~then i give Angel and Ting En.. then Hui Ying And Gilyn.. =D then the guys near them saw it then snatch here snatch there.. =.=.. then dont wan to eat liao.. then gave to T.Jia Jie… then Eliza open her chips! ate abit…. =D then we talk alot then reach the school liao… =D then Miss Wong debrief us.. then Mrs Kok say on Fri got Ice-Cream party!!~~ WOOTS!!~~ =D then we greeted Miss Wong then went home with Eliza… =D

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Haiz… sad.. nvr get to watch a movie called “Professor Layton And The Eternal Diva” The movie rocks ‘kay? actually it is a games…. a NDS game…

Here is the picture of the movie

It is a nice game ‘kay…. Show u the tralier of the moive

ps : it is in Japanese but there is subtitles

Nice??? too bad i miss it.. =(

the movie is about Layton( the guy with the tall tall hat) receives a letter from the famed opera singer, Jenis Quatlane, inviting them to see her newest performance. She also asks Layton, Luke(Layton’s assistant) , and Remi for assistance in a mystery, saying her friend Milena went missing one year ago but returned later as a seven-year-old girl saying she had found the secret of eternal life. Naturally, the case fascinates Layton and his apprentice, so they head to the Crown Petone opera house. When they arrive, something is very strange: the pianist, Oslo Whistler talks of a game, and the winner will win the "eternal life".

This are the names of the games:

  1. Professor Layton and the Curious Village
  2. Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
  3. Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel ( not out yet)
  4. Professor Layton and the Spectre's Flute  ( not out yet )
  5. Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles  ( not out yet )

For NDS players… u may wan to try it… it is super nice and fun!!~~~ super addictive!!!~~~ =D

wan walkthrough? i got one very good one! http://professorlaytonwalkthrough.blogspot.com/

the game is puzzle one….. =D some quite difficult… some maybe easy.. but still fun!!~~ =D

try playing the games…. =D

Gonna find the movie now!!~~ Bua!!!~~~~ =D

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someone you gotta know

My name is Doreen Ting ! Presents on 0108! I am now Sweet 13. WRSS 2E2;Meverest! Guzheng-ist♥

some place you gotta scream

some where you gotta leave to

1E2 Rising Star 6a Alfred Alvina Bing Chen Carina Gilyn Hui Ying Kevin Lim Jia Jie Jasmine Jia Hui Jing Yee Joey Jordan Li Ling Pearlyn Pei Shan Shi Ying Shu Qi Si Jia Sin Yi Xin Ye Xin Yu Ting En Yi Huan

some time you gotta forget

February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011

someone I gotta thanks

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