"What is trust to you?"
and to me, it's just something easy to lose in somebody and hard to build.
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 5 ; Friday

Sentosa Sandcastle Building

Friday, wake up. Then prepare to go to school. Then took bus to school… Saw Alvina, then talk to her… Reached school , find Jia Jie.. Then we talk talk talk….Then assemble at quadrangle.. then flag raising…. then went canteen for break before heading off to Sentosa… then Eliza was Emo-ing! >.< talk to her also not respond!  D= then nvm.. then wait to assemble at the quadrangle… then boarded the bus… our bus was like the last one to leave! then not long after the bus leave… i take out my phone cause very bored…. then i accidently press the Ipod icon then i press play! >.< then damm loud! i try to press stop but then idk y cannot.. then Ting En say ‘ Eh Eh! wat u doing! “then i press stop then finally can le! then i faster keep my phone… then talk to Jia Jie.. then ltr Hui Ying us to change place then we change…. then we very tired.. then sit on the floor and sleep…. then wake up…. then Alfred come and step on my foot! ==! then pass Universal Studio!!~~ WOOTS!!!~~ i DDAAMM HYPER!Then castle DAMM big! Bigger the HK disney land one! DDDAAMMM NICE! Reached the place liao… then walk to Tanjong Beach! then me,Jia Jie,Hui Ying and Gilyn plan to be barefooted! =D then we really barefooted! the sand damm hot! then super difficult to run! then Me and Hui Ying plan to make the Fairy tale type of sandcastle! but then ended up not like one! >.< nvm… First, we make the base… make it damm hard! then go for water break… then continue building again….. then go for second water break… then when we r going back to our sandcastle there… the Stupid Wei Cheng push me when i am runnnig sia! i screamed DAMM LOUD! then Jia jie they all luagh sia.. =( so bad…. no la.. jk-ing… =D then continue building then sandcastle.. then last 10 mins, everyone CHIONG! then finish liao, we clean everything then went back to our bag…. then Jia Jie bag is infested with ANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< then help her clean.. then we faster walk… cause the rest of the class walking back le! then walk on the road BAREFOOTED ( it suck… it really suck! ) it is SO FREACKING HOT! then i faster wear my shoes… then MY SHOES GOT STONES INSIDE!!!!!!! damm sharp one! then my foot now got blister! D= DAMM PAIN! then went to the toilet, i took out my shoes immediately! then i wash up… then change into class tee…. then went to assemble outside the toilet…then took class photo.. then i open my Calbee… I haven eat then the boys snatch liao! EAT LIKE PIG!!!!!!!!!! then boarded the bus… then damm tired… the bus like diam diam de….. then Hui Ying she eat the chips….. then reach school liao… then Ms Wong debrief us then me and Jia Jie bought something to drink then went home… =D

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someone you gotta know

My name is Doreen Ting ! Presents on 0108! I am now Sweet 13. WRSS 2E2;Meverest! Guzheng-ist♥

some place you gotta scream

some where you gotta leave to

1E2 Rising Star 6a Alfred Alvina Bing Chen Carina Gilyn Hui Ying Kevin Lim Jia Jie Jasmine Jia Hui Jing Yee Joey Jordan Li Ling Pearlyn Pei Shan Shi Ying Shu Qi Si Jia Sin Yi Xin Ye Xin Yu Ting En Yi Huan

some time you gotta forget

February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011

someone I gotta thanks

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