"What is trust to you?"
and to me, it's just something easy to lose in somebody and hard to build.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

‘Kay , I am gonna post some dedications to my friends!

Alvina ` Bwing Bwing

Hey Alvina !Thanks for listening to all my crap.(: And i hope you will continue to listen to my crap in future.And you are a great companion at tuition! A great great friend! Thank for comforting me when i am sad and all.  Thank for making me laugh . Thanks for teaching me things i don’t know. Thanks for everything you have done for me.(: ILOVEYOU!


Jia Jie ` Watermelon

WATERMELON!(: Thanks for crapping with me all the time.Thanks for the “ an wei “ when i cry. Thank for comforting me when i am sad. Thanks for all those “ jia yous “. Thanks for all those thingd you have done for me. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ILOVEYOU.

Sabrina `Sab

HIHI SAB! I HAD HELL LOTS OF FUN YESTERDAY!WAS SO DAMM HAPPY! Was the cookie nice?! I know it is nice! Don’t deny!(: Thanks for comforting me when i cry. Remember , when we were primary 3? We used to call each other before going to school. We talked for hours and hours. Sharing secrets , talking about school and many more. Thank for all those memories you have gave me.(: ILOVEYOU!


XinYu `Xin

HI XIN! I HAVE LOTS OF FUN YESTERDAY! Baking the cookie , making the floor covered with flour , making our hands dirty ( but our hands smells nice! :D ) and putting the cookies into the oven. Taking the neo-prints together , went to Jia Jie house and watching movie together. Still remember how we used to hang out together during primary 3 and 4? With Sabrina , Yi Chien and Joyi. I miss those times , don’t you? Thank for everything you did for me. THANKYOU! ILOVEYOU!

I will dedicate to this four people first.

I will dedicated more next time!

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someone you gotta know

My name is Doreen Ting ! Presents on 0108! I am now Sweet 13. WRSS 2E2;Meverest! Guzheng-ist♥

some place you gotta scream

some where you gotta leave to

1E2 Rising Star 6a Alfred Alvina Bing Chen Carina Gilyn Hui Ying Kevin Lim Jia Jie Jasmine Jia Hui Jing Yee Joey Jordan Li Ling Pearlyn Pei Shan Shi Ying Shu Qi Si Jia Sin Yi Xin Ye Xin Yu Ting En Yi Huan

some time you gotta forget

February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011

someone I gotta thanks

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