"What is trust to you?"
and to me, it's just something easy to lose in somebody and hard to build.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hmmm… have not blog for quite a long time…. got test these few days…. His test i got 20/20 =DHappy Diee!!~~~ yah…. so overdue photos to upload… =D

This pictures below is like a few weeks ago one… doing Glogster cause my grp one not approve…. yah.. we did it at my house =D

Finding the speed of the racer!!~~

Next few pictures also doing glogster one… but at Eliza’s house…. meet Jia Jie and Eliza at 304 coffeeshop there…. then Jia Jie bought Chicken Rice…. then i went to 7-Eleven and bought Calubee(?).. Seaweed one… nice =D then shared with Eliza and Jia Jie … then Eliza gave us ice-cream :)…. and then Jin Wen came… she dk which floor Eliza live at… so she caleed me…. called me 9 times sia!!!!

First Time:

Jia Jie picked up the phone cause i was busy…

Jia Jie : Hello…

Jin Wen : Hello… Eliza 住在哪一楼??

Jia Jie : 3 楼( fake one.. should be 4)

Jin Wen : Orh.. ok… bye…. 不要 lie to me hor….

Jia Jie : Ya la ya la…. ( Giggles) Bye

End Calll…

Second call:


Jin Wen : Ello! 哪里是3楼?? 3楼是做baby de!!!

Jia Jie,me and Eliza : ( Giggles) 你有check 好好 ma???

Jin Wen : Aiya… 等一下hor。。。

I end the call.. =D then we laugh like mad…

Third,Fourth,Fifth,Sixth and Seventh call:

Jia Jie answers it… and she make the sound u get when u crumple the potato chips bag… then she make the crunchy sound and end call! =D

Eighth call:

Eliza slide to answer then i touch to end call… nice =D hahhaa…. we were laughing like mad!!!!!!

Ninth Call:

Jia Jie : Aiya!我们在 4楼la.. bye bye… –End Call-

hahaha….. fun!!!~~~~ she called me nine times within 10 mins?! i was like wth!!!!!

- The End of my story bout Jin Wen and us-

Hmmm…. have been practicing Gu Zheng this few days…. =( it seems that i cant make it huh…..Nononono… i can make it! i will go for SYF! =D nice….. Haiz…. my 摇子 seems bad… but then my 小陈故事 is much more better!!!~~ Woots!!!~ at least i dont show off unlike Ahem Ahem…. my 中子与大拇子 is like finally memorised!!~~ woots!!~~ =D Stiil cant memorise the new song… =( it is super hard to play! =( somemore my senior not there… =( then Hui Ni ( Alvina’s senior) dont wan teach me…. =( then me and Jia Jie call her “Ni Ni”… hehhee…… then we train outside the Gu Zheng room… then lots of teacher walked past…. =( then Pearlyn came =D she learn 小陈故事 dammmmmmm Fast!!~~~ argghhhh…… then Jia Jie ask Xin Ye ( Gu Zheng senior) how to play the new song.. then she teach le then she wan to walk back to the Gu Zheng room… so i continue practicing Gu Zheng… then suddenly i saw her ON THE FLOOR! i was like OMG! she sprained her ankle and cant walk properly… so she fell…… i cant help but to giggle….. i noe i very bad… but the scenes very funny…. imagine someone teaching u smth then suddenly she/he is on the floor( fell on to the floor…) dont u feel that it is funny?….. Hmmm.. Ending post now… Bye!!!~~~Sayonara!!~~ =Dさようなら!!~~ =D

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Hmmm… today first day of term 2 huh? Morning cannot wake up… cannot hear the alarm… cause i put my jacket on top of my phone.. =.= then i felt the vibration of my phone… wake up… thinking that it is still 4+am… checked my phone.. SHIT! 6.34am liao!!!! then rush… bath then prepare…. wear my shoe and off i go… waited for Hui Wen(L) then went to school with her…. =) reached… went to find Jia Jie(L) and Alvina ; Bwing Bwing(L)… SIAN! The dog there….  then went to quadrangle… sit down then read my book… the blah blah blah….. then walk back to class… while waiting for Ms Wong… i ask Eliza(L) if Jia Jie(L) divide the Eng oral presentation already or not? Then she say no… then very worried….. then me and Eliza(L) tok tok tok… Bernard say Miss Wong here liao… then i faster turn around….. then the Chairpersons and the NE rep kanna scolding by Miss Wong… then our turn…. then she say the first period id Geo… then i was like ==! then His… not bad…. then recess… Then Alvina; Bwing Bwing(L) tell me got no Gu Zheng…  then suddenly say got… then very luan… then went back to class… late.. ==! then got my mock test paper…. 19 and half!!~~ but then Miss Kok count wrongly…. ==! should be 20 and half! =D happy!!~~~ the i kenna sabo by Pearlyn  ==!!! then they ask me sabo You Liang then sabo lor…. then after Eng is Sci… i almost sleep sia… when i wan to close my eyes… Mr Chan shout… the his voice also very ear-piercing… then my eys close and open close and open… ==!!!!!!!!!!!!! then Maths… SUCKS! Argg.. the Han! Haiz…  Jia Jie(L) almost sleep then to prevent her to sleep.. she cut herslef with the ruler… ==! i wanna try too!!!~~~ =D hahaha…. then after that… went Staff Room find Mr Chan bout the Glogster…. Then wait till 1.55 then go com lab and wait for Miss Kok… Haiz… she say need to skip Gu Zheng sia….. WTH!!!! the wait wait wait…then our turn… i was shivering…. SUPER COLD!!!! then my legs were shaking,my hand are trembling…. damm it!then my turn to say… i say wrong words sia!!! CFM not good one!!!! arhhh…. then go Gu Zheng room! no more Gu Zheng inside!! ==!!! sian.. then go out of school… Jia Jie(L) call Alvina ; Bwing Bwing(L) where is she… then took bus with Angel(L)… tok alot… tok bout the dog… say she go stick ith everyone then blah blah blah….. then go Causeway and find her… went popular there and find…. then i put my books on a stacks of files… i walk away for awhile then “BOOM!” the files drop down… dammm paiseh! Jus nice sia… Alvina ; Bwing Bwing(L) say 1,2,3 drop then really drop leh… then i bought Fruitella! =D nice… shared with frens(L)! =D then went XCraft and then talk bout piercing.. then went Macdonalds….  me and Jia Jie (L)bought fries.. i ask for MEDIUM fries and the person gave me a SMALL fries!i ask for REGULAR coke and the person gave me a SMALL coke.. fine… some more the coke like no taste one!!!!!! arhh… then chat chat chat.. chat till 5+ still donnoe… hehehe… the bused home with Alvina ; Bwing Bwing(L)! then got one blind man bored the bus… then he walk to the place where ppl can stand one….then got one girl there… then he dont noe(OF COURSE LA HE BLIND LEH!!!) he use the walking stick and accidentally go through the girl leg and hit her *AHEM*…. u should noe wat it is…. the me and Alvina ; Bwing Bwing(L) tio shock! then she say the guy live one floor above her… then i was like OMG!!!! then got off the bus and walked home with Alvina ; Bwing Bwing(L)… =D

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Went Jia Jie house for lit.. meet Hui Ying at Marsiling MRT Station.. then slacked around 302… went to the playground… got one toddler there.. then got space for the toddler to walk… then maid shout at us ”give way for the boy!” me and Hui Ying give way.. then we look at the maid then she said “WAT?!”… then very buey song her…. then called Eliza… Eliza went to playground to look for us…. then walked to Marsiling MRT station… trained to Sembawang… wait for Hui Ling… while Waiting for her… i went to buy waffle…. sibei nice! then Eliza bought Honeydew Milk Tea.. Hui Ying bought Oreo Chocolate… then she say the Oreo Choco not nice…. too much Oreo… then Hui Ling came…. waited for SSC shuttle bus… then went to SSC…… walked to the gate there then called Jia Jie… then she came and fetched us… walked to her house….. walked up the stairs… to the study room(which is high up at the 5th floor….)… did props… then we need to do a “phone” then we did Iphone! used my Iphone to trace the shape.. then draw the screen,button and the apple at the back.. nice…… =) then finish liao…. went to pool!!~~ Wee!!~~~ =) played…. then the jacuzzi there the water yellow yellow one… like got ppl pee in there… Yucks….. then rained… =( went back to the house…. slacked awhile… went SSC…. then saw some kids swimming the the jacuzzi there… EEWWW….. then went SSC Daiso…. Hui Ying bought a super duper nice seaweed!!!~~ shared with us…. =) then went popular…. then Hui Ling bought a wallet there…. which Hui Ying liked alot one…. =( actually, me,Jia Jie and Eliza wan buy that for Hui Ying as B’dae present.. to bad Hui Ling bought it…. the Hui Ying sad…… went toilet then went back to Jia Jie house… then went to the baby pool… soon,it rained… and that idiotic uncle was there AGAIN… looking at us…. ==! then walked back to Jia Jie house…sat at the dining table and talked…. super bo liao… then played truth or dare….. nice….. =) but then Eliza had to go home… me,Hui Ying and Hui Ling went home with her…. Jia Jie send us off… took the SSC bus… to the Sembawang MRT station… trained to woodlands… Hui Ying and Hui Ling got off at Admiralty … waved good bye to them… got off at woodlands then Eliza went to find her mum… =( waved goodbye to her…. walked home alone… =( Took some pics!~ 


Hmm.. bit blur…. anw SPOT JIA JIE!!!~~ =)


Kawaii rite??? idk wats wrong with me… i took 3 pic of these… hehehe….


Another cute pic of Jia Jie!!~~


Jia Jie and her sisters.. =)


Trophies!!!~~ ps.. my finger there…


Too bright…. lucky not Jia Jie face that cannot be seen!=)



Went Eliza house do the geo project… her house dammm nice…. meet Eliza nearby the Sheng Shiong there… then walked to Marsiling MRT station to pick Jia Jie up…. then went 304 coffeeshop to find my mum.. on the way, Jin Wen came…. then told my mum i go Eliza house and do project… then she said ok.. then went Eliza house… went to the study room… Her mum dammm good lehh….. she sever us ribenna(?)… then she on the air-con! nice! then do finish the project… her mum came in and ask us wat we wan to eat… KFC or pizza… then Jin Wen said pizza so order the Hawaiian pizza and teriyaki chicken pizza…. soon the pizza came.. then we ate and went back to the study room  … nth to do then also quite early dont wan go back home…so we played monopoly! i almost bankrupt  lehh…. but the Jia Jie have to go so stop the game! So no one lose or win!!!~~ YAY!!!! then send Jia Jie to Marsiling MRT station… then walked home….. took pics again!!!~~

Eliza’s sis! Cute rite?? they look alike! =)


Hmmm…quite late now… bye!!~~

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bling Bling Bwing Bwing!!~~ hahhahaha…. i siao liao… =) Yesterday school boring…… Atfer school got Gu Zheng… not good… need more practice… sad…

after Gu Zheng went cwp with Jia Jie and Alvina…. then we took the escalator up then down again cause craving for ice-cream!!~~ went macdonalds…then bought sundae… Alvina bought fries and ice-cream! Jia Jie bought ice-cream! then went to sit down then eat and chat… we talk bout lots of things.. then went Mini Toons.. then they got sell lots of bling bling…. then i keep saying bling bling bling bling.. then from bling bling bling bling to bwing bwing bwing bwing.. hehehe… then Me and Alvina went bwing bwing bwing bwing all the way and now







hehehe….. =) then went home.. took bus with Alvina then walked home together…. =) Fun Day… lots of holiday hw and i only finish History,English and Chinese =( still got Maths and Sciences and lots of project…. so sad sia… so many ppl not going for the Alvina’s family outing.. even Alvina herself i think not going… =(….

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday went to watch Alice In The Wonderland!!~~ Went to watch with my bro….CWP got 3D one!!!~~ nice!!!~~~

must watch!!~~The person gimme me the wrong size of the 3D glasses.. =( then i hold the glasses for like 1h+!

then jio Alvina out then she nvr reply… =(….. then went home….

Sunday spend like 1h+ to edit my blog… ==! but then happy with it now! =)

Hmm. dk wat to post liao.. bye!!~~




Someone from my class trying to me huh?

Trying to find trouble from me huh? i tell u.. i am not afraid!

U gossip around i dont care u then u r getting on my nerves!

dont u think that u r older then me can bully me huh?

beware! let me warn u! u dont 太过分 hor…. go complain to ppl..

u think u queen is it? not in my group dont anyhow say in my group la!

then cry infront of other ppl.. u think i scare meh?

gossip gossip gossip.. stop being so childish la! think still p1 arhh???

Fk u la! u force to use that word!!! FK U FK U FK U!!!!!

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someone you gotta know

My name is Doreen Ting ! Presents on 0108! I am now Sweet 13. WRSS 2E2;Meverest! Guzheng-ist♥

some place you gotta scream

some where you gotta leave to

1E2 Rising Star 6a Alfred Alvina Bing Chen Carina Gilyn Hui Ying Kevin Lim Jia Jie Jasmine Jia Hui Jing Yee Joey Jordan Li Ling Pearlyn Pei Shan Shi Ying Shu Qi Si Jia Sin Yi Xin Ye Xin Yu Ting En Yi Huan

some time you gotta forget

February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011

someone I gotta thanks

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